Old Holland Oil Painting Varnishes
Starting At: $15.84
From Price $15.84
To Price $60.30
High Quality Oil Painting Picture Varnishes
Old Holland Oil Painting Medium thins oil paints, increases fluidity, and enhances flow. Made from a mixture of linseed oil, turpentine oil, and white spirit, it contains no resin or dryers. It reduces gloss and ensures that brush strokes remain visible, but does not affect the drying time.
Retouching Varnish - Useful for reviving sunken (dull) areas on the painting while in process, bringing everything up to an even sheen. Can be used over drier paint to help bond new fresh painting layers. Dries within hours and is made with a ketone resin base. Used most popularly as a temporary varnish while the painting continues to oxidize, offering protection from dust and dirt until a final varnish can be applied.
Mastic Picture Varnish - Hard Varnish that often turns slightly milky. Gives a high gloss, but will yellow slightly later. Made from pure mastic resin dissolved in white spirit. Must not be applied before painting is thoroughly dry- a minimum of 12 months (longer depending on paint film thickness).
Dammar Picture Varnish - Use as a final varnish for a lovely gloss finish. Produces an even, high gloss, yellows slightly later. Made from pure dammar resin dissolved in white spirit. Must not be applied before painting is thoroughly dry- a minimum of 12 months (longer depending on paint film thickness).
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High Quality Oil Painting Picture Varnishes
Old Holland Oil Painting Medium thins oil paints, increases fluidity, and enhances flow. Made from a mixture of linseed oil, turpentine oil, and white spirit, it contains no resin or dryers. It reduces gloss and ensures that brush strokes remain visible, but does not affect the drying time.
Retouching Varnish - Useful for reviving sunken (dull) areas on the painting while in process, bringing everything up to an even sheen. Can be used over drier paint to help bond new fresh painting layers. Dries within hours and is made with a ketone resin base. Used most popularly as a temporary varnish while the painting continues to oxidize, offering protection from dust and dirt until a final varnish can be applied.
Mastic Picture Varnish - Hard Varnish that often turns slightly milky. Gives a high gloss, but will yellow slightly later. Made from pure mastic resin dissolved in white spirit. Must not be applied before painting is thoroughly dry- a minimum of 12 months (longer depending on paint film thickness).
Dammar Picture Varnish - Use as a final varnish for a lovely gloss finish. Produces an even, high gloss, yellows slightly later. Made from pure dammar resin dissolved in white spirit. Must not be applied before painting is thoroughly dry- a minimum of 12 months (longer depending on paint film thickness).
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