Micah Mullen Abstract Landscape Painting DVDs
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DVD Title - "Abstracting the Outdoors: Forests and Swamps"
- Description - Using a variety of techniques, Micah will show an interpretation of a forest that is fanciful and wildly imaginative. During this DVD he will demonstrate glazing, impasto and other painting techniques. Over time, the realistic photograph will emerge onto the canvas in thousands of varying colors, shapes and patterns.
- Media - Acrylics, Acrylic Gouache
- Skill Level - All Skill Levels
- Length - 131 minutes
- Technique - Abstract Composition, Mixed Media
DVD Title - "Abstracting the Outdoors: Unlikely Surfaces"
- Description - Artists are constantly looking for a new approach to make their art stand out amongst the millions of pieces done before them. One way to strive for this is to paint on a non-traditional surface. Doing this can be challenging, as traditional surfaces like canvas and paper are designed to directly complement the paint. However, once achieved the results can be unique and stunning and will surely add new enhancements to your artwork you never thought possible. During this 70 minute DVD, Micah will demonstrate two complete painting projects. The first of these will show you how to create a two tiered painting using a wood panel for the background layer and a pane of glass as the foreground layer. In the second project, Micah demonstrates painting directly on sheet metal. In this process you will see how the artist leaves area of the metal exposed and free of paint. This allows the shimmering qualities of the metal to interact with the composition of the entire painting!
- Media - Acrylics, Acrylic Gouache
- Skill Level - All Skill Levels
- Length - 51 minutes
- Technique - Abstract Composition, Mixed Media
For more information, please visit www.micahmullen.com > or visit the artist's blog at www.micahmullen.blogspot.com >
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