LUKAS Berlin PRO Artists Water Mixable Oil Painting Mediums
Starting At: $11.85
From Price $11.85
To Price $13.43
Special modified mediums for Germany's finest water-mixable oil paints!
LUKAS Berlin Water-Mixable Oil Colors can and should be mixed with water – it's the great advantage of the paint and the reason it's so health-conscious. However, some effects are better achieved by the use of mediums, and LUKAS has developed specially modified oil mediums for use with Berlin Water-Mixable Oils; all designed to behave like traditional oil mediums without sacrificing the unique water-miscibility of Berlin. Glazing techniques, accelerating or retarding drying time — effects not achievable with water are all now available in LUKAS Berlin Water-Mixable Oil Painting Mediums!

Short Highlight Videos (Tap To Watch)
Linseed Oil - Thins colors for transparency x
Quick Dry Medium - Accelerates the drying time of paint x
Stand Oil - Retards drying time the longest! x
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Special modified mediums for Germany's finest water-mixable oil paints!
LUKAS Berlin Water-Mixable Oil Colors can and should be mixed with water – it's the great advantage of the paint and the reason it's so health-conscious. However, some effects are better achieved by the use of mediums, and LUKAS has developed specially modified oil mediums for use with Berlin Water-Mixable Oils; all designed to behave like traditional oil mediums without sacrificing the unique water-miscibility of Berlin. Glazing techniques, accelerating or retarding drying time — effects not achievable with water are all now available in LUKAS Berlin Water-Mixable Oil Painting Mediums!
- Berlin Modified Linseed Oil - High quality, modified oil for use as a water-miscible oil painting medium. Perfect for glazing techniques; increases fluidity of paint and slightly slows drying time of water-mixable oil colors.
- Berlin Quick Dry Medium - Drying accelerator for water-miscible oil paints. Speeds drying time and is especially useful in the preparation of under paintings.
- Berlin Modified Stand Oil - Heat-thickened modified oil for use as a water-miscible oil painting medium. Greatly retards drying time of water-mixable oil colors and should be used only on the upper layers of a painting following the "fat over lean" rule.
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