Liquitex Acrylic Additive Mediums
Starting At: $6.75
From Price $6.75
To Price $11.73
Acrylic Additives Designed To Achieve Various Techniques and Effects!
Liquitex Professional Additives offer a variety of specialty mediums, including Flow Aids, Thickeners, Gel mediums, and Slow-Dri Additives, which have been specifically designed to achieve various techniques, applications, and special effects. Choose from professional Slow-Dri Fluid Additive, Slow-Dri Gel Additive, Professional Liquithick Additive and Professional Flow-Aid Additive in many sizes.
- Increase Flow
- Extend the volume of thin paint
- Hold brush or knife marks
- Fluid and gel additives
- Increases ‘open‘ (working) time
- Thicken and increase paint viscosity
- Fully inter-mixable with all Liquitex products
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Acrylic Additives Designed To Achieve Various Techniques and Effects!
Liquitex Professional Additives offer a variety of specialty additive mediums, including Flow Aids, Thickeners, Gel mediums, and Slow-Dri Additives, which have been specifically designed to achieve various techniques, applications, and special effects.
4 SPECIALIZED OPTIONS: Choose from professional Slow-Dri Fluid Additive, Slow-Dri Gel Additive, Professional Liquithick Additive and Professional Flow-Aid Additive in many sizes - Take your work in new and unexpected directions with binder-free additives that transform the chemistry of your paint.
Liquitex offers a variety of specialty products that have been specifically designed to achieve various techniques, applications, and special effects.
Professional Flow-Aid Additive - Dramatically increase the flow of your color/mediums while minimizing brush strokes. A binder-free aqueous solution with surfactants. Use in conjunction with any acrylic medium or acrylic color when increased flow and absorption and decreased film tension and friction are required.
Professional Liquithick Additive - Create custom viscosity and a matte finish without increasing paint transparency.. A binder-free heavy body gel with high levels of gelling agents. Used in small amounts, produces handling characteristics very close to that of oil or encaustic paint. At higher concentrations, can thicken paint or acrylic mediums to "cake" or sculptural consistency.
Professional Slow-Dri Fluid Additive - Slow drying time by 40%, without affecting color opacity, so you can work your paint for longer. A binder-free fluid with slow drying agents. Increases 'open' (working) time of acrylic paint. Reduces paint skinning-over on the palette. Increases blending time, making blending of colors and detail brushwork easier.
Professional Slow-Dri Gel Additive - Slow drying time by 40%, without affecting color opacity, so you can work it for longer. A binder-free gel with slow drying agents. Designed to be used with Liquitex Heavy Body Artist Color and Heavy Body mediums. Increases 'open' (working) time of acrylic paint.
- Increase flow
- Dry transparent or translucent
- Extend the volume of thin paint
- Increase ‘open’(working) time
- Adding viscosity or flow to paint
- Making color blending easier
- Creating textured brush or knife marks
- Manipulating acrylics to act like oils or encaustics
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