Lascaux UV Protect Spray Varnishes
Starting At: $32.90
From Price $32.90
World’s finest UV Protectant Spray Varnishes For Art
Protect your artworks from UV rays, dust, and other pollutants over time with Lascaux UV Protect Spray Varnishes available in Gloss, Semi-Matte, and Matte. UV Protect is a varnish composed of acrylic polymer, solvent, and a highly effective UV absorber that makes the spray lightfast, age-resistant, and non-yellowing. The ultraviolet protection enhances the lightfastness of the underlying layers, and this protection increases with each additional layer of varnish that is applied. UV Protect is fast drying, easy to work with, colorless, and dries clear. UV Protect exudes substantially less noxious fumes when wet compared to many similar products. Works treated with UV Protect can be over-painted after drying, and you can apply as many layers as required to achieve the desired surface.
- Gloss, Matte & Semi-Matte Varnish
- 13.5 oz (400ml) Aerosol can
- Easy to apply, Archival varnish with UV protection
- Ultraviolet protection enhances the lightfastness
- Varnish: acrylic polymer & solvent base
- Light-fast, age resistant and re-soluble
- Non-yellowing
- Short drying times
- Easy to work with
- Contains no chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
- Substantially less noxious fumes when wet
- No accumulation of droplets
- Good adhesion, abrasion resistance, and hardness
- Dissipates quickly, no smell can be detected after the product dries
- Varnishing oil, tempera, watercolor and pastel paintings
- Protect inkjets and photos with UV Protect
- Light-fast, age resistant and re-soluble
- Fixes or seals
- Excellent initial sizing on wood panels
- Contains no flourocarbons
- Good adhesive properties
- Varnish layer can also be removed or cleaned using solvents
- Highly effective UV absorber
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World’s finest UV Protectant Spray Varnishes
Protect your artwork from UV rays, dust, and other pollutants over time with Lascaux UV Protect Spray Varnishes available in Gloss, Semi-Matte, and Matte. UV Protect is a varnish composed of acrylic polymer, solvent, and a highly effective UV absorber that makes the spray lightfast, age-resistant, and non-yellowing. The ultraviolet protection enhances the lightfastness of the underlying layers, and this protection increases with each additional layer of varnish that is applied. UV Protect is fast drying, easy to work with, colorless, and dries perfectly clear. Works treated with UV Protect can be over-painted after drying. Apply as many fine layers as required to achieve the desired surface. UV Protect exudes substantially less noxious fumes when wet as compared to many similar products. The solvent odor dissipates quickly and no smell can be detected after the product dries.
- Gloss, Matte & Semi-Matte Varnish
- 13.5 oz (400ml) Aerosol can
- Easy to apply, Archival varnish with UV protection
- Ultraviolet protection enhances the lightfastness
- Varnish: acrylic polymer & solvent base
- Light-fast, age-resistant, and re-soluble
- Non-yellowing
- Short drying times
- Easy to work with
- Contains no chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
- Substantially less noxious fumes when wet
- No accumulation of droplets
- Good adhesion, abrasion resistance, and hardness
- Dissipates quickly, no smell can be detected after the product dries
- Varnishing oil, tempera, watercolor, and pastel paintings
- Protect inkjet prints and photos with UV Protect
- Light-fast, age-resistant, and re-soluble
- Fixes or seals
- Excellent initial sizing on wood panels
- Contains no fluorocarbons
- Good adhesive properties
- Varnish layer can also be removed or cleaned using solvents
- Highly effective UV absorber
Gloss Varnish — Yields a lustrous protective film. It is especially well suited for use with Lascaux acrylic paints, other brands of acrylic paints, oil paints, as well as oil pastels. Use also on inkjet prints and photos on all supports. When using on water-soluble paints or on paintings with thin paint layers, it is recommended that a suitability test be carried out before widespread use.
Matte Varnish — Yields a matte protective film. It is well suited for all Lascaux color ranges and for gouache, drawings, oil, tempera, watercolor, acrylic, and oil pastel paintings. A pretest is recommended before using this product on inkjets, as it has limited suitability for such prints.
Semi-Matte Varnish — Use this product to achieve a semi-matte protective film. It is well suited for all Lascaux color ranges. Use it to protect acrylic, oil, tempera, and pastel paintings, drawings, watercolors, and inkjet prints on virtually all papers and other supports.
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