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2015 Mungyo Summer Pastel Contest
1st Place: 'The Lady in Blue' by Jane Radstrom of Austin, Texas First Place Winner
"The Lady in Blue"
by Jane Radstrom of Austin, Texas
"Square-edged pastels are not very common, so Mungyo Gallery square soft pastels are an important part of my process. The sharp edge allows for a variety of mark marking, from fine lines, to thick, soft strokes. I also appreciate the range of neutral colors available, great for mixing skin tones!"
2nd Place: 'Grandma's Boquet' by Tricia Reilly-Matthews of Tompkins Cove, New York Second Place Winner
"Grandma's Boquet"
by Tricia Reilly-Matthews of Tompkins Cove, New York
"The extensive color line of Mungyo Gallery Soft pastels allow for a wonderful choice of color variations in my art. For me, it's like having a color wheel in a box. The pastels have a soft, creamy feel, incredible for blending and with less tendency to break apart. The fine points on the Gallery squares work well for edge work, line work, and fine detail. I would highly recommend Mungyo pastels to any pastelist, whether they are a beginner, intermediate, or master pastelist. As an art educator and illustrator of prints, jigsaw puzzles, and greeting cards, I need to work with the best color range for accurate reproduction quality and Mungyos have never let me down. Jerry's is my favorite place to shop!"
3rd Place: 'Joey' by Mary Shira of Churchville, Virginia Third Place Winner
by Mary Shira of Churchville, Virginia
"I work on sanded pastel paper and Mungyo soft pastels work beautifully. Sanded paper draws the pastel deep into the surface of the paper allowing a build-up of pigment that achieves an almost painterly effect. The surface texture is lush and holds the pastel firmly making for less dust and loss of pastel. The rich pigments mix well while retaining their vivid hues."
Plus 10 Honorable Mentions (click on thumbnails to see full image)
'Santiago' by Anne Brown 'Remember' by Tricia Reilly-Matthews 'Autumn Glow' by Denice Peters 'Pocono Afternoon on the Delaware' by Elsa Padron 'Girl in Stripes' by Jane Radstrom
'Not so Still Life' by Mother Justina 'Ginger' by Debbie Anderson 'A Raven in the Sun' by Debbie Anderson 'Window Winnin' by Martryce Roach 'Douglas Bay' by Joan Sears