Creative Mark Crystal Clear Acrylic Painting Tiles
Starting At: $2.69
From Price $2.69
To Price $12.49
Create 3D Effects Using Multiple Layers!
Creative Mark Crystal Clear Acrylic Painting Tiles are perfect for creative and modern painting techniques in a variety of mediums or multi-media. Utilize one or both sides as a work surface, and even experiment with additive and reductive techniques for different possibilities. Use singles or multiple tiles layered as a single artwork, to explore this modern painting surface! The tiles readily accept acrylics, acrylic gouache, paint markers, spray paints, stenciling, resin paints, glass paints, and much more. Experiment with this fun and inexpensive surface, perfect for classrooms, art parties, or just to loosen up and take a break from your serious woks.
- Protected with a peel-off film
- 2mm clear acrylic panels
- Sold in packs of 5
- Accepts various liquid media
- Creating layered artworks
- Painting in 3D
- Works great with acrylics and gouache
- Paint markers, spray paints, stencils
- Resin, glass paint, india inks and more
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Create 3D Effects Using Multiple Layers!
Creative Mark Crystal Clear Acrylic Painting Tiles are perfect for creative and modern painting techniques in a variety of mediums or multi-media. Utilize one or both sides as a work surface, and even experiment with additive and reductive techniques for different possibilities. Use singles or multiple tiles layered as a single artwork, to explore this modern painting surface! The tiles readily accept acrylics, acrylic gouache, paint markers, spray paints, stenciling, resin paints, glass paints, and much more. Experiment with this fun and inexpensive surface, perfect for classrooms, art parties, or just to loosen up and take a break from your serious woks.
- Protected with a peel-off film
- 2mm clear acrylic panels
- Sold in packs of 5
- Accepts various liquid media
- Creating layered artworks
- Painting in 3D
- Works great with acrylics and gouache
- Paint markers, spray paints, stencils
- Resin, glass paint, india inks and more
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