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Supplies, information and details for: Pen & Ink for the Botanical Artist - Academy of Botanical Art

Class/Event Wishlist Info

Instructor/Organization Name:
Pen & Ink for the Botanical Artist - Academy of Botanical Art
Class/Workshop/Event Name:
Academy of Botanical Art Pen & Ink for the Botanical Artist
School/Workshop/Organization Name:
Academy of Botanical Art

Message / Details

The objective of Pen & Ink for the Botanical Artist is to show pen and ink techniques as both fine art and a technical art. The program relates specifically to the research world and the demands student face when producing iconography (black and white illustrations) for science. It also explores the beauty of fine art pen and ink drawings that express subtlety and humor. In the supply list below, you are directed to select Sakura Pigma Micron disposable pens. If you already own the more expensive Rapidograph, then by all means use what you have. You will need your pencils, erasers, rulers, tracing paper, and foamboards in addition to the ink supplies. Check the list to refill your supplies where necessary. Note: The Squirrel Brush Set of Six can be replaced with any old brushes you may have. You do not want to use your good Raphael brushes with ink! Keep ink brushes separate.

NOTE: If you have some of the items already, you can update the quantity requested per instructor in the quantity boxes below before pressing add to cart at the bottom

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