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Jacquard Dye AdditivesSave Up to10%Off listVideos…one-quart hot water. Slowly add to dye bath in washer per instructions. Synthrapol®: Synthrapol® is an industrial-strength, pH-neutral liquid detergent used as a pre and after wash for dyed or painted fabrics. Synthrapol® can also be used as a wetting agent for fabric dyes and paints.… Essential chemicals for the dyeing process! Jacquard offers several necessary chemicals that complement their Acid and Procion MX dyes. Sodium Alginate SH is used to thicken dyes for painting, stamping, or screen printing. Citric Acid is a mild, odorless, powdered acid that helps fix acid dyes to protein-based fibers. Soda Ash promotes the chemical reaction between Procion MX fiber reactive dyes and cellulose fiber. The humectant Urea attracts moisture from the air and slows the tie-dye process, providing more time for the dye to process and generate deeper shades. You can use Synthrapol® an industrial-strength, pH-neutral liquid detergent as a wetting agent, or wash your decorated fabrics with it. It is essential to practice studio safety when using dyes and chemicals. Please keep dyes, paints, and chemicals away from children and avoid unnecessary skin contact. Key Features: * Powdered chemicals * Complement Acid and Procion MX dyes * Sodium Alginate SH will thicken dyes * Citric Acid is used to fix acid dye * Soda Ash is used to fix Procion MX dye * Urea enhances Procion MX colors * pH-neutral detergent and wetting agent Perfect For: * Fabric dyeing * Painting, stamping, or screen printing * Tie-dye, shibori, and ice dyeing * Low water immersion dyeing * Batik, printing, and direct painting * Direct painting or printing applications * Surface design Sodium Alginate SH: Sodium Alginate SH is a seaweed derivative used to thicken dyes for painting, stamping, or screen printing. When working with thicker fabrics, use a thinner consistency of dye solution to guarantee dye penetration. Instructions: Mix 1 quart water with ¼ cup Urea. Then, add two teaspoons Sodium Alginate SH for hand painting or four teaspoons Sodium Alginate SH for screen printing. Slowly sprinkle Sodium Alginate SH over water/Urea mix. Stir constantly for 10 minutes, or mix in a blender until smooth. Let stand for 1 hour, then stir again. The solution may be stored in a refrigerator for a few months. Soda Ash: Soda Ash dye fixer is a mild alkali that promotes the chemical reaction between Procion MX fiber reactive dyes and cellulose fiber. It is also known as sodium carbonate, washing soda, or salt soda. Soda Ash is necessary to activate and set Procion MX dye. For tie-dye (pre-soak method): Use one cup per gallon of warm water. Soak fabric in the mixture for 20 minutes. Squeeze/wring out the excess solution by hand. Do not rinse out. For immersion dyeing: Use 1/4 to 1/3 cup per three gallons of water. Add to dye bath per instructions. Dyeing cellulose fibers in a washing machine: Use 2-3 cups per load. Dissolve in one-quart hot water. Slowly add to dye bath in washer per instructions. Synthrapol®: Synthrapol® is an industrial-strength, pH-neutral liquid detergent used as a pre and after wash for dyed or painted fabrics. Synthrapol® can also be used as a wetting agent for fabric dyes and paints. The unique liquid detergent keeps loose dye pigment suspended during washing which prevents back staining and helps remove excess color. Pre wash: Prewashing fabric with Synthrapol® to remove oils, waxes, starches, and sizings helps ensure an even dye job and reduces the risk of blotchy color. Directions: Add three tablespoons Synthrapol® per 8 lb washing load. For cotton and other cellulose fibers, add two tablespoons soda ash. Wash for at least 10 minutes using hot water, and then rinse thoroughly. After wash: After dyeing or painting, rinse the fabric in cold water and then wash for at least 10 minutes using three tablespoons Synthrapol® per 8 lb wash load. Use hot water for cotton, cool to warm water for silk and wool, and then rinse thoroughly in cold water. Wetting Agent: Adding Synthrapol® to a dye bath or fabric paint can increase color penetration. When dyeing wool and other hard-to-wet fibers, add 2 to 3 drops of Synthrapol® per 5 lb fabric. To increase fabric paint coverage on hard-to-wet textiles, add 1 to 2 drops Synthrapol® per 2 fl oz of fabric paint. Citric Acid: Citric Acid is a mild, odorless, powdered acid that helps fix acid dyes and exhaust dye baths. Add one tablespoon of Citric Acid to the dye bath per 1 lb of fabric. Do not pour directly onto cloth. If further exhaustion of dye bath is necessary, add a little bit more. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of eye contact, flush immediately with water for at least 15 minutes. Keep out of reach of children. Urea: Urea is a humectant that attracts moisture from the air and slows the drying process; therefore, it allows more time for the dye to react with the fiber and helps develop deeper shades. Most artists use Urea when applying dye solutions directly to fabric or hand painting. Urea can be used with Sodium Alginate thickener for screen printing, direct painting, or tie-dye. Add one tablespoon Urea per 8 fl oz of dye solution (¼ cup per one quart of dye solution). See More
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