10 Etch-A-Sketch Masterpieces to Brighten Your Day

This Guy Just Put All of Our 5 Year Old Selves To Shame Jeff Gagliardi has over 35 years experience making fantastic pieces of art on Etch-A-Sketches and although his days of etching and sketching may be over, he still shares his art as one of the few Etch-A-Sketch artists out there. His prints are…..

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Jerrys Blog Squad -- 05/03/2015

Everyday Items to Amazing Art

Art is everywhere Although we at Jerry’s Artarama are bigger fans of fine art, every now and then, we get absolutely amazed by what artists are creating out of even the most mundane items. Art truly is everywhere and made from everything, from tape to hardware to rubix cubes.  We’ve scoured the internet and here…..

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Jerry's -- 12/08/2014

Happy (belated) Birthday Andy Warhol!

Pop Artist Andy Warhol would have been 86 this year Today we (belatedly) celebrate Andy Warhol and his life. His birthday was actually yesterday, August 6th but we will have to celebrate it one day late.   Andy Warhol revolutionized what we call Pop Art stylized by challenging traditional fine art by glorifying imagery taken…..

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Jerrys Blog Squad -- 07/08/2014