Tag: inspiration
10 Etch-A-Sketch Masterpieces to Brighten Your Day
This Guy Just Put All of Our 5 Year Old Selves To Shame Jeff Gagliardi has over 35 years experience making fantastic pieces of art on Etch-A-Sketches and although his days of etching and sketching may be over, he still shares his art as one of the few Etch-A-Sketch artists out there. His prints are…..
Jerrys Blog Squad -- 05/03/2015
One Quick Tip to Be a Better Artist
Want to be a better artist? This one easy thing can improve your skills greatly! Now, there are many great tips to make artists better at their craft. This article doesn’t claim to have all of the answers, but this one skill can improve your skills in painting, sculpture, sketching and more. This skill, although…..
Jerrys Blog Squad -- 09/08/2014
My LIFE is art. ART is my life.
What is art? Even an art essay may struggle to fully define art. Being an artist isn’t just about putting pencil to paper, or brush to canvas & painting surfaces. Art can and does mean so much more than that, to so many people. Art is a way of seeing the world, a way manner…..