Using Pastels and Oils with Artist Jean Hildebrant


Jean Hildebrant
I was born in a small town in Oregon and had no access to art classes. I taught myself how to draw and use pastels and oil paint, by studying art books that I found in the local library. It was exciting to see how the Old Masters and current artists painted portraits and figures and to read how they worked in different mediums. I have always been captivated by portraits and figurative work.

My favorite subject is the human soul. I desire to capture the essence and inner beauty of the human spirit through the use of light and color. I want my paintings to speak to the emotions and spirit of each person who views them.

As a portrait painter, I desire to not only capture a good likeness of the subject but I want to find the uniqueness of the individual and convey that to the viewer. My hope is that my portraits will become something that families will treasure and pass on to future generations. I paint realism with the hope of leaving an indelible impression.

Jean Hildebrant RESUME

Exhibitions and Awards:
Jean has exhibited and won numerous awards in local and national shows. Among these accomplishments are the Richeson 75 Figure/Portrait Competition 2009 First Place; Pastel Journal Magazine, Pastel 100, First Place, Portrait  and Figure category2006;  the Pastel Society of America’s National Annual Exhibition, New York, NY ( B. & V. Giffuni Purchase Award); Pastel Society of America’s Master Pastelist and Award Winner Exhibition, Kentucky; Jack Richeson  Pastel Award of Excellence, 2008; Pastel Society of Arizona  2008 and 2009 Best of Show; Arizona Art Alliance 2009 Presidents Award for A Body of Work;

AAA 2010 Spring Show, First Place in Pastel; Pastel Society of Oregon National Annual Juried Show, Purchase Award and First Place Award;  Don Ruffin Memorial Exhibition, Phoenix, AZ receiving the Paradise Valley Community College Purchase Award and the Award of Merit.  and Arizona Artists Guild Juried Exhibitions receiving numerous awards. She is a charter member of the Pastel Society of Oregon and past Exhibition Chairman, a juried member of the Arizona Artists Guild, Arizona Pastel Artist’s Association , Arizona Art Alliance  and a member of the Fellowship of Christians in Portraiture as well as the Portrait Artist’s of Arizona. Her work is found in private, public and corporate collections.


Jean also has received scholarships from the Scottsdale Artists School in 1992 for Phil Beck’s class Painting the Portrait in Oil and in 2005 for Clayton Beck III’s class Painting the Head in Oil.


Jean has studied with nationally known artists Albert Handell, Richard McKinley, Phil Beck, Bob Lemler and Clayton J. Beck III.

Jean Hildebrant Fine Art

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