10 Etch-A-Sketch Masterpieces to Brighten Your Day

This Guy Just Put All of Our 5 Year Old Selves To Shame

Jeff Gagliardi has over 35 years experience making fantastic pieces of art on Etch-A-Sketches and although his days of etching and sketching may be over, he still shares his art as one of the few Etch-A-Sketch artists out there. His prints are available at JeffSketch.com.

1. Mona Lisa

2. American Gothic

3. The Creation of Adam

4. Vitruvian Man

5. Starry Night

6. Picasso’s Guernicas

7. “Salvador’s Deli”

8. Chuck Berry

9. Corner of a Five Dollar Bill

10. Taj Mahal

All images are via https://jeffsketch.com/. Visit his site to see more Etch-A-Sketch art as well as paintings and other pieces of art.

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